Child of God

It didn’t matter if the water was warm or cold, Delayni Kerr was ready.

The Trinity second-grader was Baptized last weekend.

“It just feels so good to be Baptized, and knowing that I’m a child of God,” Delayni shared as she held tight the silver cross necklace she received as a gift for being Baptized. “I was a little nervous, though, standing in front of the whole church.”

A special visitor, who made her way to the Baptismal font, thinking it was time for the Children’s Message, calmed Delayni’s nerves.

“I thought she wanted to be Baptized, too, and that we could be Baptized together,” Delayni shared.

The setting was perfect.

The message – from the 3-year-old girl, who had a front-row seat in the lap of her father, watching and listening intently – was perfect, too.

“That was amazing,” the little girl shared with her dad as they made their way back to the pew after the Baptism.

Delayni agrees.

“I have been telling my classmates and my friends about being Baptized,” Delayni shared. “I want them to know all about it,”

She also wanted to proclaim: “The water was warm.”

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Trinity Lutheran Church & School

1122 West Central Park Ave.
Davenport, IA 52804

Church: 563-323-8001  School 563-322-5224

Worship times: Saturdays at 5 p.m.

Sundays at 8 a.m. live-streamed | 10:45 a.m. | 12:15 p.m. (the first and third Sunday of each month)